Case Study

Mission Mittelstand GmbH

How Mission Mittelstand GmbH Reduced Communication Time by 20%

Mission Mittelstand is a modern consulting firm that believes the true engine of the German economy are the small and medium sized companies and aims to help them scale their businesses. Through coaching, seminars, personal encounters with consultants, they are able to  guide entrepreneurs to make the right decisions and ensure success.

With Mission Mittelstand’s nature of business, maintaining relationships with clients is a top priority. To ensure A+ customer experience, the coaching team gives customers a direct line to them by creating a WhatsApp group to be used for any advisory needs.

The challenge

There are multiple challenges that Mission Mittelstand currently face by working on instant messaging platforms. To curb the lack of visibility of the team’s activities on WhatsApp, they have created a company-wide protocol where the everyone on the coaching team is added to each and every single group chat created with clients. This means that each person would have to stay on top of at least 1,000 group chats. The number of conversations they are administering is increasing on the daily so it is a challenge to stay efficient and productive on WhatsApp with their unorganized inboxes. In addition to their designated workloads, they spend hours on end just clearing their inboxes in preparation for the following day. This never-ending inefficient cycle is hindering the coaching team from focusing on their mission and creating greater impact on the lives of SME founders.


After realizing the amount of time wasted on this inefficient process, they found Cooby Extension that helped them organize their individual WhatsApp inboxes. Using the system and custom tabs feature, they are now able to efficiently clear their inboxes giving them more time and energy to focus on what truly matters. That does not solve the visibility issue though. After discovering Cooby Workspace, they found a solution that would eliminate the need to join group chats just to be in the loop. Coaches can now just join the ones they are assigned to and the others could still be in the know through the Conversations feature of Workspace.


Since using Cooby Extension and Cooby Workspace, the coaching team noticed a 20% drop on time spent on WhatsApp and a huge bump in productivity. Additionally, each coach managed to reduce the number of group chats joined by a whopping 90%. These tools enabled them to divert their time and attention to more important tasks rather than daily administrative work. Additionally, they have started using actual data from client interactions to improve on customer experience.


Mission Mittelstand GmbH






Cloppenburg, Germany

Main Markets

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“Cooby created a big impact on our business because our coaching team is now able to easily navigate through their actual clients and work effectively.”

- Pascal Lammers, Head of Digitization, Mission Mittelstand GmbH

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