Your customers' sales journeys go beyond the limits of any conversation channel.

While prospects can connect with you through various channels like WhatsApp, phone calls, emails, or social media, tracking these interactions on a CRM system can be challenging. This is especially true for WhatsApp, which poses a unique difficulty for individual or WhatsApp business users. 

WhatsApp wasn’t built for business, but its broad user base explored several business use cases. If you’re in sales or a customer-facing role, Cooby will help you increase WhatsApp's visibility in your CRM, like Hubspot or Salesforce.

In this article, we’ll focus on integrating WhatsApp with HubSpot CRM, helping customer-facing teams keep all conversations in one place. 

What is WhatsApp HubSpot integration?

WhatsApp HubSpot integration gives you 360-degree visibility of WhatsApp conversations on your HubSpot CRM. Your reps don’t need to update CRM separately to maintain records of WhatsApp interactions, allowing them to focus on selling rather than investing valuable time in maintaining CRM records. 

Cooby’s WhatsApp HubSpot integration syncs chat and group chats with HubSpot and lets sales reps update HubSpot contact data directly from their WhatsApp. This prevents them from hopping between WhatsApp and HubSpot and allows them to use their time better. 

Setting up the integration is easy. You must follow a few basic steps to connect the two platforms. Once connected, you start enjoying the benefits of streamlined communication and improved customer relationships.

Why do you need to integrate HubSpot and WhatsApp?

If you manage several chats with prospects and customers on WhatsApp daily, you can benefit greatly from integrating your CRM, HubSpot, with WhatsApp. It would keep business communication in sync while giving your team visibility over chats that were difficult to track earlier.

It lets the whole team be on the same page when it comes to customer conversations, no matter where you’re having these interactions.

Saves time and increases productivity

Businesses can quickly locate WhatsApp conversations and customer databases in HubSpot without asking professionals to upload chat screenshots or add notes about client conversations.

Everything syncs up on the CRM, helping managers have 360-degree visibility of how professionals pursue deals and communicate with clients. On the other hand, professionals can easily update HubSpot through their WhatsApp Web application. 

Cooby offers two options for syncing chats to HubSpot: manual and auto sync. Manual sync requires users to choose the chats they want to sync to HubSpot. On the contrary, auto sync brings the entire conversation history to HubSpot whenever a user logs into Cooby.

Sync options allow users to record WhatsApp conversations on HubSpot, enabling businesses to keep all customer interactions in one place. 

Helps in making customer relationships stronger

HubSpot is a powerful CRM platform that helps businesses manage customer relationships and interactions. By syncing WhatsApp chats to HubSpot, businesses can improve their CRM use and gain more value.

WhatsApp attracts modern users’ attention with every update and notification. As a business, you leverage this opportunity to communicate your message to these consumers in WhatsApp chats. 

Keeping these messages together with other marketing and sales-related data helps you provide relevant assistance and nurture relationships at scale.  

Improves customer service

WhatsApp is becoming an increasingly popular channel for interacting with customers and making closer connections. 

When these interactions sit with all other updates and conversations on HubSpot, it helps businesses address customer needs effectively and timely with the added context. 

This leads to more satisfied customers and better overall customer relationships.

Streamlines communication

Cooby helps businesses streamline their communication by bringing WhatsApp conversations closer to all other interactions with a prospect or customer.  This can be particularly useful for businesses that use multiple communication channels, as tracking all of them can be confusing and challenging. 

By syncing their WhatsApp chats to HubSpot, businesses can easily view all customer messages in one place, helping salespeople add rich context to every interaction with prospects.

Simplifies data management and reporting 

Cooby enriches existing customer data on HubSpot with insights from WhatsApp. It gives your team a more realistic picture of what’s happening with clients and improves performance. 

It gives you a better foundation to prioritize leads and leverage sales interactions to put more effort into prospects with more interest and intent to purchase. These are evident from the conversations they have with your team. 

How to integrate WhatsApp with HubSpot

The steps below will help you integrate WhatsApp and HubSpot. 

  • Go to the HubSpot Integration page in your Workspace and click on "Connect to HubSpot."
  • Select the HubSpot account you want to integrate with and click "Choose Account."
  • Confirm that you are installing Cooby into your HubSpot. You should see a "successfully connected" page.
  • Go to your HubSpot account and click on any contact.
  • Click on the "filter activity" option.
  • Scroll down and make sure that "WhatsApp activity" is selected under the integration section. This will allow you to view your synced conversations in your activity timeline.
  • You have successfully connected to HubSpot. Now, you’d need to grant Cooby access to WhatsApp chat. 
  • On Cooby-powered WhatsApp Web, click the HubSpot icon in the top navigation bar. You will see a request for auto-sync permission.
  • This notice informs you that your syncing settings are currently set to Auto-Sync.
  • Click "Accept" to see a popup.
  • This is a one-time permission request for Cooby to read your WhatsApp messages.
  • Once you click "Accept," Cooby will start linking your contacts and syncing your messages to HubSpot.
  • Next, you need to set up permission controls, and you have successfully integrated HubSpot with WhatsApp. 
  • Enabling HubSpot permission grants users access to the HubSpot Sidebar on WhatsApp Web. Once activated, they can sync their chats into HubSpot.
  • Auto-Sync Permission allows a user's chats to be automatically synced with HubSpot. When enabled, all chats from connected contacts will be synced to HubSpot every 3 minutes.
  • Once these are set, you have successfully integrated WhatsApp and HubSpot.

You can follow the instructions for more details and a visual guide to integrate WhatsApp and HubSpot. 

Benefits of WhatsApp HubSpot Integration

Below are some benefits of integrating WhatsApp and HubSpot using Cooby. 

Modify HubSpot contacts

Cooby minimizes the back-and-forth between WhatsApp and HubSport to update contact data and lets your agents modify CRM customer information directly from WhatsApp. 

Create CRM tasks or tickets. 

Your agents can create and schedule tasks like follow-ups on CRM directly from their Cooby-powered WhatsApp. You can attach relevant WhatsApp messages to these tasks or associate other CRM records. In the same way, you can create CRM tickets. 

Create  deals from WhatsApp

Agents can create deals and update relevant customer data on their CRM while on their WhatsApp web. Cooby keeps their focus on selling on WhatsApp rather than pushing them into other busy work, like updating CRM. 

Get detailed reports on WhatsApp activity

With WhatsApp integrated with HubSpot through Cooby, you can create reports to visualize your team's WhatsApp activity. You can filter these reports based on agents and timelines. 

Set up workflows based on WhatsApp activity

Cooby lets you set and modify CRM workflows based on your prospects’ WhatsApp activities, automating sales processes.

Assess WhatsApp’s influence on deal win rate

You can create a custom report on HubSpot to compare deal win rates and better understand the influence of WhatsApp conversations and engagement in closing deals.


These benefits let you be more productive at work and improve your team's performance in the overall sales process. 

Do more of what you do best

Let Cooby handle administrative tasks like updating WhatsApp conversations, creating tasks, and adding notes on HubSpot. Start focusing more on conversations that matter for your business. 

Improve business messaging with a 360-degree view of WhatsApp conversations and suggest modifications to make them stand out. 

Use Cooby to integrate WhatsApp with HubSpot and see how it improves productivity and performance. 

WhatsApp HubSpot integration FAQs: 

Can I use WhatsApp Business API?

You can integrate WhatsApp API numbers with HubSpot. However, API numbers come with specific challenges. Read more about the challenges of using WhatsApp Business API compared to a regular WhatsApp Business number.

What is the benefit of WhatsApp integration in CRM?

There are several benefits. You get comprehensive visibility over all business conversations in one place. There’s no administrative workload for your team, helping them focus more on their sales or support role. You get to work on account as a team rather than in silos.

"Cooby created a massive impact on our business. Our teams became more efficient and effective in managing clients on WhatsApp."

Pascal Lammers
Head of Digitization, Mission Mittelstand GmbH

Sobre o autor

Sagar Joshi
Content Marketing Manager at Cooby

Sagar Joshi strongly believes that content marketing is a way of helping people. It motivates him to write well-researched content pieces on sales, marketing, and customer experience. In his free time, you can find him reading a book, learning a new language, or playing badminton.

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