Case Study

E-commerce Enablement

How Boutir 23x their ROI with Cooby

time saved per rep per day
revenue increased
increase in productivity

Boutir is an e-commerce platform with video-centric features for online store management

Boutir is transforming the online retail landscape with its cutting-edge, video-centric platform that allows merchants to seamlessly manage their e-commerce operations.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, with operations extending to Malaysia, this all-in-one platform enables merchants to handle everything from shop setup and daily operations to video production and live product-selling streams. As a phygital platform, Boutir integrates the physical shopping experience with online convenience, adding a personal touch to digital stores.

Since its launch in 2020, Boutir has supported over 14,000 merchants worldwide, offering a comprehensive solution that enhances both the shopping experience and operational efficiency.

The Challenge

Sales reps spent nearly 2 hours daily logging messages into HubSpot, causing inefficiencies

At Boutir, merchants heavily rely on WhatsApp for communication, prompting sales reps to adopt it as their primary tool for customer interactions. However, keeping track of these messages posed a significant challenge. Manually logging all WhatsApp messages into HubSpot became necessary to ensure proper tracking and organization, adding complexity to the process.

Sales reps were losing nearly 2 hours each day manually entering these messages from WhatsApp into HubSpot.

"As a General Manager, I need to ensure the organization and individuals are focusing on the right tasks using the right resources. Ensuring the success of each department and individual is key. If they can succeed, the rest will come. Losing almost two hours per day to manual entry with low ROI for the sales reps was unacceptable." explained Chris Chia, their General Manager.

Chris also highlighted the financial impact of this inefficiency:

"Let’s say an average sales rep in the market costs around HKD 1,000 (approximately $128) per day. If a sales rep spends 2 hours on manual entry, they will lose 44 hours of productive time in a month. This will amount to an inefficient cost of HKD 5,500 ($700) per month.”

The Solution

Seamless WhatsApp-HubSpot integration, enhancing tracking and efficiency affordably

Boutir adopted Cooby for its user-friendly integration of WhatsApp with HubSpot, improving tracking and efficiency at an attractive price. After experimenting with a Cooby competitor and finding it lacking, Boutir turned to Cooby and found it remarkably user-friendly from the start.

"The learning curve with Cooby was so gentle; within hours, we grasped its functionality," remarked a team member.

Cooby seamlessly syncs all customer message exchanges from WhatsApp into HubSpot, ensuring comprehensive recording.

"Now, tracking contacts, leads, and deals within WhatsApp is effortless," noted Chris.

Furthermore, Boutir highlighted Cooby's attractive price point, making it a compelling choice for adoption. Chris shared some favorite features:

  • "Templates are invaluable; they save my reps considerable time in customer outreach."
  • "The ability to swiftly add a new lead directly in Cooby ensures we capitalize on every opportunity."

Chris further highlighted that sales reps now primarily use WhatsApp, allowing them to update essential information directly without constantly switching between HubSpot and WhatsApp.

The Results

Boutir tripled their sales revenue, gained time for lead conversion, and improved attention all while ensuring compliance

Boutir sales team has effectively 3X its monthly revenue income within 6 months after introducing Cooby as part of the strategic approach to optimize overall sales productivity.

According to Chris, "Cooby not only increases our sales reps' productivity by 30%, but also helps them work more effectively and meaningfully. With Cooby, we can supercharge our sales. When our sales reps succeed and are happy, our company succeeds."

Moreover, compliance has become a non-issue for Boutir. Chris noted, "In addition to its user-friendly interface, Cooby ensures compliance by tracking all message exchanges on HubSpot. It's a win-win!"




E-commerce Enablement




Hong Kong, China

Main Markets

Hong Kong and Malaysia

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“Cooby’s impact on our business was great, not only financially but also qualitatively, we highly recommend it”

- Chris Chia, General Manager, Boutir

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